Since coming back from the honeymoon I've lacked motivation. I've lacked motivation at work. I've lacked motivation at home.
All I can figure is that the wedding was this big exciting project, and now that it is over I don't seem to have a purpose. But that's silly. Work is just getting busier. I have numerous personal projects waiting for me. (Including a new play that is an idea I'm really excited about, but, apparently, not excited enough to actually sit down and write more than 2 pages of.)
I'm not even excited about my "Chicago Premiere" tomorrow. Sure, it's just a one-night performance of a 10-minute play, but since I haven't had a production since September you'd think I'd have at least some anticipation. Honestly, when people were asking me for the details I forgot it was this week! This is my first play to be performed in my new city, and my first play EVER to be performed with my new name. Exciting, huh? I guess we'll see how I feel tomorow.
I really need to get my act together. The main reason that the house is not a complete pigsty is that John has been keeping up with things. I have done very little housework in the past few weeks. I still need to put away some of the wedding gifts. I still need to put away my winter sweaters.
I've been cooking more, so that's good. And I've had a social life, which takes up time but is no excuse. I need to regain my motivation and my balance of career, housework, friends, and writing. I had that for a while. I need that again. Oh, and I'm not working out. I was feeling so good about working out before the wedding. Now I'm turning to mush. Maybe if I start on that the rest will follow. Perhaps I can win a Pulitzer Prize for my abs.
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