Tuesday, October 28, 2008

One more week

One more week of the presidential campaign. And the hope is that late next Tuesday night we will know the winner. For better or worse. Hopefully the better.

This year's election has consumed me like no other before it. I crave updates and speech snippets and endorsements. I have been excited and worried and hopeful and scared. Sometimes, it seemed I felt those things all at the same time.

This election has brought up some ugly traits within American. These will not go away after the election, but the hope is that the certainty of who will lead the next 4 years will cull the ugliness if only under sense of defeat.

When the election is over I hope to regain my focus for other things. Preparing for the birth of my baby. Finishing the first draft of my new play so it can be workshopped next month. Relaxing. Not having to spend my time bouncing through the punditry trying to grasp at hopefulness without taking anything for granted.

I already did my civic duty. I voted early. Now I just have to wait for the rest of the nation to decide.


Curt said...

Was I hallucinating, or were you at Grant park on election night? If not there is a doppelganger of you that I spied on MSNBC watching the acceptance speech.

Kim Z said...

You must have been hallucinating. I was at a bar on the North side of Chicago. Not as exciting but the logistics were easier.