Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Changing Travel Preferences

There are some differences when traveling with an infant:

Before, I was a stairs person. Now, I am often an elevator person because I have a critter in a stroller.

Before, I liked the aisle seat. Now, I like the window since it is easier to breast feed discretely. Of course, that's only when traveling with a lap critter. When he has his own ticket, I'll suddenly become a middle seat person since the car seat will go by the window.

Before, if it was 5 PM and there were only 300 miles left on a 14+ hour road trip I would push through to get home. Now, we stop, so that critter and parents can relax after the long day. In fact, we should have stopped an hour earlier. As we drew near our decided stopping place we were delayed by a poopy diaper blowout. The complimentary cocktails at the hotel were well appreciated!

In other news, on the drive home we were even more efficient than the earlier leg of the journey. Pumping and then reaching back to feed critter milk from the bottle while driving became the norm. We only needed to stop for burping, diaper changes, and brief parent rest breaks.

Glad to be home, but I returned to a long to do list. There is a lot to do before I go back to work on Monday. 12 weeks have flown by. I'm going to miss my days with the little guy. :-(

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