Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Waking Hours

The critter woke up last night. For weeks he's been sleeping through the night or pretty close to it, but last night was not like that.

He woke up around 2:30 a.m. His diaper was very wet and had leaked. I changed him. He was very awake, so I fed him. I had forgotten how peaceful it was to feed him at night in the rocking chair. I haven't done that since going back to work. Once he was drowsy, I set him down in the crib and went back to bed.

He woke again around 4:30 a.m. This time I let hubby get up. He fed the critter a bottle then brought him back to our bed.

About an hour later as hubby and I were getting up and ready for work the critter was still asleep. I watched him before I got up. He was peaceful. But as I was getting ready, he seemed to be having a very sad baby dream. He was still asleep, but he was wimpering and sniffling. It was sort of cute but also quite pitiful. When he woke up he cried loudly. Different cries sound different. This was a very sad cry. This was a very sad critter.

I fed him in the big chair. That calmed him. That's one of my favorite things about breastfeeding: the power to calm the critter when he is distressed. I'll be needing the power again tonight. It's his 4 month well-baby visit, and there are going to be a lot of shots.

Oh, I'm sure the doctor will ask if the critter is sleeping through the night. I'll have to say "Well..."

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