Thursday, July 2, 2009

A sea of changes rather than sea change

Before having a child of my own I thought of developmental milestones as a finite list of significant acts: rolling over, crawling, walking talking. But watching the critter keeps me amazed at the many subtle changes that I hadn’t thought about before. I remember how he used to root around headfirst with his arms just hanging limp. Then, he started to flail his arms, occasionally hitting a toy by luck. Then, he learned to grip. Now, he willfully bats at his toys and delights in their spinning and swinging.

The same goes for his voice. He still has a long way to go before his first word, but he has become so expressive with sounds other than just crying. I wish I knew what he was saying, but I love to watch how happy “talking” makes him. Yesterday he discovered that he has the ability to make a very high and loud squeaking sound. I’ll admit that the sound was not the most pleasant, but it was fun to see him delight in his discovery.

A friend told me that watching a baby is like watching the ocean. I think I know what she meant. Both are constantly changing. Both are calming. Both make me happy. Of course, I don’t live by the ocean, but Lake Michigan is a good stand in. This weekend I am likely to, at some point, be watching both my baby and the lake. How wonderful!

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