Tuesday, January 29, 2008


So you know that "perfect" opportunity for my dark farce? The one that I submitted to on Saturday? Well, I've been rejected already. Hopes dashed? Why? Apparently they wanted NYC playwrights only.

Now, I tend to pride myself on being the sort of person who reads and follows submission guidelines to the letter. I don't recall seeing anything about NYC playwrights only. (Of course not. If I had I wouldn't have submitted, duh.) Still, it can't be changed that that is what they want. I am not that that. My play--unread--has been rejected.

I think this may be a case where a posting meant for a local group spread beyond the theatre's expectations. The form rejection email sounded surprised that they got responses from around the country. (At least I wasn't the only idiot.) If there wasn't the stipulation in the posting (at least the one I saw) I don't have to feel as bad about overlooking that requirement, but it doesn't change the fact that this is an opportunity lost. Not to mention a waste of postage. It's disappointing. I really do need to find someone to do this play. It is the most lightweight of my full-lengths, but I believe it is the most fully formed (partially because it is the only one I've actually had the energy to rewrite after the initial production). Someday I hope it can find a home. I just will have to keep searching and submitting and hoping. Yes, Pseudo-Kinesis will be performed again!


Anonymous said...

Excuse me. I know you are a good playwright. I get the impression you are above normally bright. So all this begs the question - why don't you have an agent? I enjoyed sending out scripts to various contests, but the money came from hooking up with somebody who knew how and where to peddle the stuff.

Kim Z said...

I guess I haven't felt ready for an agent. I have been talking to a friend who has an agent. He likes having the agent as if only to have someone as a bad cop. My friend, however, has a much more mature career in theatre than I do.