Tuesday, March 25, 2008

thump, thump, thump

I woke up this morning and my heart was racing. It felt as if I had too much caffeine, but I was sleeping. I did have some white tea around 9 PM, but that's not unusual for me. Still, this morning my heart was racing.

It felt almost hangoverish, so I slept in a bit. That didn't work. I planned to work out, but since I slept in I didn't have much time. I did 10 minutes on the Versaclimber thinking that maybe a bit of cardio would even things out again. Nope. I ate my breakfast hoping that would help. Nope.

Now it is 2 and a half hours later and my heart is still racing. I don't know why. But I'm tempting fate and having sa little coffee anyway because heart racing or no, I am sleepy. Maybe being up past 11 last night is part of the problem, but that certainly isn't the first time that has happened.

I'm just hoping my body slows down soon before my heart jumps out of my chest onto my keyboard tray.

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