Monday, April 21, 2008

Mensa is not smart enough to know I'm not a member

I received this message from Mensa:

Happy birthday!
Aristotle is attributed with saying, "The energy of the mind is the essence of life." (And we tend to agree with him; after all, he's been voted into the American Mensa Hall of Fame.) In continuation of his thought -- and, of course, in celebration of your birthday -- we wish you an intellectually stimulating year and a long and energetic life.
With warmest regards and continued appreciation of your membership,
American Mensa

Dear Mensa,

Thanks for the birthday sentiment. You may, however, want to check your records. I quit your organization a year ago after realizing that I don't need your uninspired periodicals and frequent credit card offers to know that I'm smart. Your events are not fun because most Ms feel the need to prove intellectual superiority at all times, which makes for tedious discourse. Trust me, I have plenty of intellectual stimulating and thought provoking conversations with my friends, who are all very smart despite most not being official members of your group.

I'm old enough and confident enough to know that intellect is only interesting or significant if it is used well. A specific IQ number and membership in a group based on that number is pretty meaningless. Last year I became smart enough to stop paying for the privilege.

-Kim Z

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