Wednesday, April 23, 2008

What, me nervous?

The wedding is 10 days away. There are a few remaining things on my to do list, but they are manageable. I have no doubts about John and am excited about continuing our lives together. I'm not nervous. Or so I think.

I haven't slept well the last few nights. I wake up multiple times, which is unlike me. Is that because I'm nervous, or have I just been drinking too much coffee? Or is it the earthquake aftershocks since the beginning of my interupted sleep was the night I woke up because of the earthquake?

I had a weird dream last night. I'll call it "The Director's Nightmare." I was directing a show, but I hadn't read the script. It was apparently about Napoleon, who was being played by Vern Troyer. Apparently Mini-Me had gotten so into the role that he believed he actually was Napoleon. There were many actors in the room, and we were crammed around a table that was too small for the group. I don't remember all the actors or their roles, but I remember a large hairy man who was playing a "bear." A friend from Pittsburgh was the producer. He encouraged me to talk to people about pay as long as I stayed within budget. But I didn't know the budget. It was all very chaotic then everyone left. Including the people I had ridden their with. I had to walk back to work. (This was apparently happening in the middle of the day.)

So that's a weird dream. Not really a nightmare but certainly off-putting. Is it about the wedding? Does it mean I'm nervous? I don't know.

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