Thursday, June 4, 2009

Coffee Pants

In an effort to continuously improve my my morning routine I decided to bring my coffee in a thermos today. Well, I decided this after already pouring half of it into a travel mug, so I wasn't giving myself a free hand. But that wasn't the problem. I hadn't used the thermos for a while, so I forgot that it leaks if it falls on its side. Which is what it did in the shopping bag with the milk and my lunch as I slowly made my way down the stairs. When I got to the garage I noticed that the side of my pants had some wet spots.

Luckily, I was wearing dark brown pants. I knew that once the drips had dried the spills wouldn't be noticeable. (I know this because I was a veteran spiller of coffee well before I was a mother.) Still, it's annoying. I'm going to smell like coffee all day. Although, realistically, I was probably going to smell like coffee all day anyway. It is my helper in primary work goal of staying awake. (I'll be more ambitious in week two.)

Notes to self: buy new thermos; wash pants; create elaborate pully system for lowering my belongings to ground level.

UPDATE: The process of the thermos leaking involved coffee leaking from the sippy opening in the internal lid, into the cup lid, and out onto me. As a result, when I went to open the thermos at work all the coffee that had remained trapped in the cup lid spilled all over the carpet (which, luckily, is also brown). It's an awesome day! Is it Friday yet?

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