Monday, June 1, 2009

First Day Back at Work

I am coming to the end of my first day back at work. Emotionally, I was generally okay. It's actually nice not to be in constant childcare mode. I do think, however, that the cumulative effect of a full week, a full month will get to me. A friend pointed out that using generally accepted bedtime guidance, we'll only have a few hours with our kids when we get home from work. The majority of the critter's waking hours will be spent with the day care ladies, not with me. That is what makes me sad. He changes so much each day, and I hate to miss it.

At least I had 12 weeks at home. Many people aren't able to even have that.

As for my working day, it was mostly the administrative and catching up stuff that needs to occur after being away for 3 months. As a result, the most significant parts of my day were
  • selecting a critter picture to put on my computer desktop (A framed pic for my actual desktop will be forthcoming as well.);
  • setting my screensaver to be a random slide show of critter pics; and
  • pumping milk 3 times.

As for that last one, I pumped a total of about 8 ounces. Based on two daycare trial runs last week (a half day and a full day), the critter eats almost 16 ounces during the day. No wonder he was so hungry when I tried to just breastfeed him. Mama can only give him half of what he needs! And that's even on the domperidone! Well, at least I know he'll be eating enough now, even if a lot of it is formula. The important thing is that he can be a growing boy!

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